Sometimes the biggest block to our businesses and taking the next steps in our lives looks at us in the mirror. Yes it is ourselves.
Why is this – don’t we want the change? Don’t we want to be better, improve, reach new and better heights?
Well yes we do! Yet any change we make also does something else – it leaves something behind, something we are used to, have been comfortable with, something we have made part of us.
Taking on something new = leaving something behind.
So how do we deal with this? The first step is to ask a few questions:
Why do you want the change?
What is your real motivation?
What is the real bigger picture you are building?
Yet the most important question is this – what is the thought that is holding you back? Not the I am too busy reason or the its not the right time reason. No the real thought the thought that is likely to sounds something like:
I don’t deserve this!
I can’t do that!
What if something goes wrong – because it always does!
If this sounds familier then you are not alone – most if not all of us have these thoughts – the key thing is how we deal with them.
Yes, do your research, test, write a good business plan – AND be brave, take action, do it…….
Business and Personal Objectives and how they align to your ideal lifestyle.
Business and Personal Objectives and how they align to your […]
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